Since the dawn of the new normal that has been brought forth by the worldwide epidemic known as COVID-19, the world has learned to stand still and strategize for humanity’s survival. Casualties are prevalent all around the world, and the affliction of this pandemic has affected everyone that crosses its path, may it be people that are infected or people who are doing their best to survive.
These days, there are actual heroes in place who try their best in bringing back life once known. These people usually tend to go overlooked despite their efforts that risk their well-beings, When it comes to a matter of life and death, these people are more than willing to succumb to the latter just to give a fighting chance to the former.
At the dawn of World Patient Safety Day this 2020, it would be most logical that people recognize, appreciate, and give thanks to the work of the front-liners who have been battling with for roughly half a year now counting back since March 2020. The entire health care system that includes doctors, midwives, and nurses have been battling non-stop to put an end on this global dilemma, as the entire situation forces them to work 24/7 in a gracious attempt to flatten the curve. The unmatchable devotion and dedication they put into their jobs cannot stand to be overlooked, especially that these strangers put their lives on the line so that they could breathe new lives to people whom they are barely related with. This immense display of sacrifice, love, and effort should not stand unnoticed, but should actually be given proper recognition instead.
Recognizing The Real Heroes In This Biological Warfare
No one could deny the fact that the demand for health care professionals in this dire and trying time stands at it’s an all-time high, but the number of front line workers that are fit to help is in parallel is insufficient on an ideal scale. Despite the hindrance, front medical liners have never failed in making us all feel safe.
Imagine a world without them and how scary that would be. These people never let their morale go lower than expected, nor do they look at the planet like it is a lost cause making it worthy enough to give up on. Instead, what they do is dedicate every waking moment of their lives to bring the cases to a halt and eventually a decrease. Slowly but surely we are all getting better, and none of this indeed would have happened if it wasn’t for the same front-liners who are taking care of us and making sure that this world would still be habitable in the near future.
Things To Keep In Mind As A Health Care Professional
It’s definitely not the easiest job in the world, so here are some pointers to remember in helping anyone become an excellent health care professional.
- Keep your passion at check – the job would require you to commit to helping and serving the people who need your assistance, and that’s what should keep the flame burning inside you.
- Practice great communication skills – always communicate effectively with your patients. It is essential that you build healthy relationships with them and that you make them feel understood with their needs and concerns.
- Always be ready to multitask- given the times, you would definitely be asked to handle multiple patients in a short period. The environment would be hectic and busy, so you have to be prepared for that.
- Stay active and fit – a health care professional is only as good as their well-being. Take care of yourself and your health. Exercise, drink your vitamins and keep a balanced diet to ensure that you can serve longer in your line of work.
- Embody great problem-solving skills – With everything being highly time-dependent in your line of work, it would be best that you are most capable of solving problems as fast as you could. With lives being at stake, this would definitely be your best bet in helping out.
- Always offer compassion and empathy to your patients – given that you are the immediate source of emotional strength for your patient, it would be wise enough that you make them feel safe and secure in your company.
Eternally grateful
There indeed is irony in celebrating at such a fragile and troubling time, but one can not merely fail to be humbled and be grateful for the ton of help our front line workers have been dedicating in ensuring the world is running at its most capable capacity for the time being. This spans for the entire health care sector, including doctors, midwives, nurses, maintenance groups, and security personnel -all of whom have been tirelessly grinding and risking their lives for all of us. Thank you for the patience, strength, and efforts that to this day would always stand unrivalled. Most of all, thank you for the sacrifice that we will never be able to repay or even match.

- Hamilton, J. (2020). 6 qualities of truly great health and community care professionals. In The Loop. Retrieved from https//
- Rao, G.N. (20020). HOW CAN WE IMPROVE PATIENT CARE?. Community Eye Health. 2002; 15(41): 1–3.
- Tran, M. (2018, June 20). Becoming a Better Health-Care Provider. Wake Up. Retrieved from https//